June 25 - 28, 2025

We are thrilled to invite you to the annual Indianapolis Charity Horse Show, dedicated to American Saddlebred horses. The 2025 horse show will again take place at the Hoosier Horse Park in Edinburgh, IN! Come party in the park!
The Indy Charity welcomes Sandy Sessink as our new show manager for 2025!

The Indianapolis Charity Horse Show, Inc. is proud to have as its charity MORNING DOVE THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC. The show is being put on in the hopes that a significant amount of funds can be raised for this worthy charity and the exhibitors can enjoy the competition of their horses and ponies.
MORNING DOVE THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC. founded in 1998 is a non-profit group that offers equine programs to a wide range of participants with physical, mental and/or emotional disabilities. MORNING DOVE is a member of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH). It employs PATH-certified instructors to facilitate classes. The organization offers a number of programs including therapeutic riding lessons, hippo therapy, a veterans program and summer program for children on the autism spectrum.